Sunday, September 30, 2007

Stomp, Stomp Like a Fairy

That is what Caroline has been singing, having learned it at dance class.

Or so we thought.

Turns out it's the Strawberry Shortcake theme song: "Straw- b-b-b-b-berry..."

I like her version better.

The Thunder won the soccer game! They only had 6 players, so they had to play the entire game. Mikey was on defense the first half. At half time, he asked the coach to play offense. We were all suprised, but Coach said, "if you want to, you can". He did okay. He ran to the right places, got the ball sometimes. He still hesitates to go for the ball when the other team has it. I tried to talk to him about it afterwards, but he just started arguing. I said we won't talk about it if you don't want to and left it alone. He knows what he's doing in the game and eventually he'll get more aggressive and/or be ready to talk about it.

Evan is still sick, but in a good mood this morning. I'm sick but frightened by the state of the house, so I'm going to push myself to clean.

Auditions tomorrow afternoon. Here's hoping...

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