Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday and Thursday

Well, at least soccer is back to Wednesday nights. T0day we just have to get C to ballet, Mikey to TKD and meet up with someone who's going to take my old double stroller. She has 3 mo. old twins, so it will be used.

Mikey did great at TKD and soccer this week. His team is finally learning the pieces of the game--passing and moving toward the goal--that the other teams seemed to know already. I don't know what to think. I'm glad that the coach isn't strict and I understand he coaches another team, so it would be hard to have 2 practices a week...BUT I don't think Mikey and the other kids enjoy the games as much when the other teams can beat them so easily. For 6-8 year olds, 1 vs. 3 hours of practice per week can really make a difference.

Tomorrow starts off the Mikey Birthday Extravaganza Week with a picnic on base...

Evan is napping after waking up in the night with an awful sounding cough. I think it's allergies, because I'm feeling it, too.

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