Sunday, September 30, 2007

Caroline in September

She is quite the artist. She's drawing pictures of animals...and asking me to do the same. I keep biting my lip to stop from saying "I can't do it, I'm no good at drawing!" It's true, but being afraid to try something I'm not good at...not the kind of example I'm trying to set!

She is learning the sounds that letters make and how to write letters and numbers. Papa bought a Princess thingie that has addition and subraction flash cards and a workbook, plus a reading workbook. She's doing great at the math. We're reading the stories together and she's pretty vague on the questions about what happened and who did it.

It's so different working with her. She'll happily sit down and work with me for 45 minutes. Lots of times she gets distracted and I ask if she wants to go on. Yes, please and on we go.

She's coming out of dance class happy, but then when I ask her about class, she complains about different things. Then the next day, she's happily doing her dances around the house. I don't know what to think. She's excited about going, she's amazing at how well she does the dances already. So much expression. Not the least bit hesitant, just like Mikey with sparing: this is what I am ready to do and watch me go!

Caroline has been saying she's bored a lot. I'm not sure how to respond. We've been doing crafts more and that's been great. All the stuff I tried to do in the past and had go so badly, now we can just do. Mikey and Evan join it at their own level and leave when they want and it just flows nicely.

I'm going to make an effort to read more with her. She likes it, but doesn't ask much and I have not been suggesting it much lately. (We seem to either be going all out or resting, with not much in between.)

I love how she'll ask for the meaning of words or phrases. She wants a long, thorough definition. (She is sooooo related to her Papa!!)

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