Sunday, November 11, 2007

Evening Outing

Went to Quizno's after 6:30 last night, so it was dark. We saw about 10 deer over at the Baptist church, so we pulled into the parking lot to take a closer look at them. They cooperated by running, but not too far, so the kids got a good look. I was suprised at how many there were so close to our house. I guess that explains what happened to all our roses last spring...

Mikey asked, in the car, "do you think Santa is nocturnal?" We discussed the difference btn a species being nocturnal and a person having a night job! Do he and the elves make toys during the day or at night, hmm?

Caroline had something to say on the way home and so called out "excuse me, may I have everyone's intentions?" So we gave her our full intentions.

Dinner and then quite a few games of Tetris with Mikey. Last year, he couldn't play hardly at all, but he's really starting to get it. I almost threw the controller at Papa when he started "helping" me by telling me where pieces should go. When I think of all the hours, days, weeks I've played that game...whew. I tried to explain to Mikey what it was like Back in the Day when we didn't have the choices of endless games on endless websites and we just had one or two games to choose from. Not sure he can even comprehend such a dark and dismal world, lol.

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