Saturday, November 03, 2007


What a fun evening we had! I was not looking forward to it. It was so overwhelming last year, plus most of us had a cold that had kept us from going to 2 or 3 different Halloween parties.

Evan didn't want to wear either his Pablo the Penguin costume or Mikey's old Thomas costume, so I put him in the double stroller and put Thomas next to him. Off we went, down the street. Mikey and Caroline were both (still) afraid of the decorations at B's (friend from soccer) house, so his mom was kind enought to walk down the driveway to give them the goodies.

It was still light out, so we started off by going to every house, since no one had their lights on! One older woman let the kids take a handful of candy from a bowl and Caroline burst out "I LOVE you!!"

The kids didn't want to stay out long, so we headed home and set up camp in the driveway to hand out candy. Sure was hot this summer, but you just have to love sitting under the palm trees watching the sun go down while it's 70 degrees out. Rough life, doncha know?

The annoying things happened again this year: bumper to bumper cars as people drive along while their kids walk. (Why on earth do that instead of parking and walking around??? Esp. when there's one parent walking with the younger kids and one driving the car.) The kids (pre-teen and teen) with no costumes. Adults taking candy 1) in costume, 2)not in costume and with a tiny baby and 3)sometimes just an adult or two not in costume. Oh, and since Mikey, Car and I were all handing out candy, some kids tried to take some from all of us. At first M and C handed to them, but I said they didn't have to! Just because someone asks for something, doesn't mean they need to get it. So Mikey started saying "You already got some."

Caroline was Snow White and Mikey was Spiderman. We saw lots of those costumes on other people, including a family with one of each! We told 'em they obviously had good taste. The woman was wearing BDU's but hers were much, much shorter than Papa's. (Actually, they were indecent and the glare off her white cheeks was harsh. Children's holiday. CHILDREN. Ah well.)

We had more than 4 GROCERY bags full of candy and it all went by 8:30.

The kids are most of the way through their candy since they didn't get much.

Thursday Caroline and I got a scarecrow for the front yard. It's really cute, but I keep thinking someone's out there. It's lurking, I tell you!

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