Saturday, November 10, 2007

Too Quiet

It is now officially too quiet. I'd expected us to be busy enough, with ballet and gymnastics for C and gymnastics, TKD and the drama class for Mikey. Unfortunately, the drama class got canceled and gymnastics is a no-go for now. The Youth Center didn't call me when the class started back up--just like they didn't tell me the class was canceled--and now it's full. Plus, the classes are Tuesday or Thursday. We couldn't make it on Thurs. at all and Tues. would have to be from 4:30-5:30 and then TKD at 6pm or not at all. Mikey's certainly got enough energy to do 2 classes in one evening, but it would be a pain.

I didn't sign the kids up for Kindermusik because of the time and money we were planning on spending on the jewelry making class, drama class and gymnastics. Grrr.

So now I will look into the gymnastics place in town, Cub Scouts, Kindermusik for January, etc. Maybe the creek waters have gone down and we can go to the playground on the creek again without fear the kids will get washed away if they fall in! (yeh, it's not very deep but when you see white water it's hard to let the kids-who-don't-swim play near the edge). And we can try the playgrounds on base and see if Evan plays or just runs for the street constantly.

I've been avoiding the library lately because I got tired of Evan running and yelling the whole time. Plus, I'm still not used to the small-town-everyone-knows-your-name thang. The librarians know us by name which I can't consider a good thing when the kids are always noisy and our DVDs are always late! We can try the county library, but the kids section is NOT in a separate room which means I'll be shushing like crazy. Maybe I'll take Mikey after TKD today...

Mikey is super excited about the Secret Santa at TKD. He just asked again if it's today. No, one month to go, we still have to get a name, try to find out what that person wants, get a gift, etc. He very sweetly checked with Miss R (the teacher) to make sure she was putting her own name in!

Oh, and he finally, FINALLY got to spar. He joined TKD at the end of July and this is the first time he got to do it!!!!! And I missed half of it while doing the Thursday Main St. Shuffle (back and forth on Main St. to drop off C, pick up C and drop off M, take C home and go back to pick up M--not too bad, except for the day the Homecoming parade was on Main St). Still, it was a good thing. Miss R noted that they don't have enough pads for everyone and people are welcome to buy their own, on sale now for $100. Eh, maybe not. Hmm, maybe just the gloves for him to use against me when we spar...those little knuckles can hurt!

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