Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Survived going to the vet. Only trama was after we got home and Evan stuck his head in the kennel. That was fine, it was getting it back out that wasn't so easy.

He let out the most amazing squeal of delight when a puppy came in. The tech had taken a puppy out for a walk and Evan saw them come back in. She came back out to comment on how happy Evan had been and said that she would have let them play, but the pup was sick.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

No, really

Evan was telling knock knock jokes tonight.

They were pretty funny.


Really not fun.

Evan was cranky the whole time. Caroline was fussy. Kids have cavities. Dentist has no appointments before the end of March, so we have to wait. Don't know when we'll get back here, so can't schedule something now. We were there for almost two hours. They aren't organized. Spent 15 minutes getting a prescription ready for Mikey in between x-rays and cleaning his teeth! And so on.

Tomorrow, the vet! Trying to get a babysitter. Would be nice if someone answered my emails, but, no.

All set for going to San Antonio on Friday!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Take my day...please


Plan was to get out early, go take care of the car regestration renewal and then go to the playground at the Fam Camp.

Needed to do the reg in person because they were only kidding about being able to do it online and if you want to mail it in, you need to get it to them 15 days before the due date. Cuz everybody looks for small print that says the deadline isn't the deadline.

Okay, I'm feeling paranoid so I fight through 17 web pages to make sure I'm supposed to go to the same place I got my driver's license. Good thing, because it's a completely different place. The county tax office!

The kids aren't cooperating so it takes a major meltdown and a lot of time before we get out the door. And guess what? Once again, the automatic door has decided that closing all the way is BORING and is open a crack. Yes, I should have checked the door open light, but sometimes I'm carrying in a lot and only check the doors I opened and closed.

Evan was heartbroken that we had to come back in the house. Since I couldn't sleep last night and had a full list of things to do today, I burst into tears. Mikey and Car decided that the best thing to do was to keep yelling at me to go get the neighbor who had helped us before.

After about 20 minutes, Evan calmed down and I called AAA. 30 minutes later, a guy in an old beat up Chevy came by and got the car started. Got the kids shod again and headed out.

By now it was 1pm. As we got about a mile away, I realized I'd never locked the front door and wasn't even sure it was closed tightly. Looped around home, locked the door and headed to South DR to find the tax office. Of course there was quite a line and only one person let us cut ahead. The kids were being kids, while the signage was coy...more fun. Handed over $70 and got a sticker. Hardly seemed worth it...

Got to the playground after 2pm! 85 degrees and windy, so dusty and dry. I forget how dusty it is out there. Evan and I went down the double slides together: "Ready, Evan?" I asked and he said "One, two, three!" and let go. But we didn't stay for long, since I'd only brought enough water for 11am and 75 degrees, and our brunch was now a distant memory.

Evan fell asleep on the way home but woke up in time to drink half of my medicinal chocolate milkshake. He was grumpy at only having a short nap, so has been in my lap a bunch. I'm now going to start my phone calls!

Tomorrow at 9am M&C have dentist appointments. No problem!

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Only 12 miles from the house in Hampton, there is Jazzercise!!! Classes Mon-Fri with childcare!!!!!

I'm a bit excited.

It will give the kids a chance to see other kids, too, which I was a bit concerned about. Get us out of the house first thing in the morning, then we can explore the area. Seems like there are lots of parks to visit on nice days.

There are also evening and weekend classes.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tap, tap

Is this thing on?


We've had a busy couple days. Caroline made up a gymnastics class yesterday, so we had her class followed by Mikey's class and then another Caroline class this morning. Whew.

Two hours in the gym was a little tough on Evan, which is why I don't usually do that.

Caroline has been suddenly different. First she needed to talk to Tutu for a LONG time, then during Mikey's class yesterday, she was amazingly outgoing. When people started arriving for the basketball practice, she would go greet them, shake their hands, introduce herself, etc.

Oh, it actually started when Katie and Rachel's dad came in. In BDUs, with dark hair...Evan went up to him and snuggled against his leg while Caroline shook his hand and chatted. Sniff.

Anyway, Caroline hit it off with a family and played with the two girls and their parents for about 20 minutes. At first the girls were too suprised to respond, esp. because they were quite a bit older than her, but then they started having a great time. And before her class she also told one of the girls "I want you to be my new friend."

Last night, I asked her if she wanted to give her too-small leotards to Rachel. She said yes and then said "Let's pretend Rachel's here right now. Rachel, stop following me!" Really, no pause between the two sentences.

We went to Walmart after class today. I got one of those big carts that all 3 kids can ride in. Usually they walk quite a bit, but not today. Kinda wore myself out getting through the store and home again.

Evan and Caroline have grown. Caroline needs size 5 shirts and dresses now. Evan can wear a 3T shirt and it's only a tiny bit too big. The pants he has on today are showing quite a bit of ankle, too. Not that I noticed until we were out.

It's really warm today. It was 67 when we left the house this morning. Jeans were not a good decision on my part.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Depending on the kindness of...aquaintances...

Well, I asked two people for help today. Coulda toughed it out myself in both cases, but didn't.

First, we'd left one of the doors of the van open. It was the automatic one, so I'm really not sure how that happened. And we hadn't been out in a couple days, so the battery was dead.

I could have called AAA but noticed my next door neighbor's SUV was there. We walked over and he was great about it. Little while later, we were on our way--taking the very, very looong way to Wal-mart!

Ran into Miss K in the store. Chatted about the pizza lunch we're all going to tomorrow, found out the auction this weekend made $15,000! I'd bought long spoons for a smoothie basket, which went for $150.

Got in line behind her and got a little help getting the groceries off the cart. She says that if I don't ask for more help, they are going to start showing up at my door! I mentioned that it's going to be tough getting out of here and she says they will do whatever it takes to help, even taking us to the airport at 5am. I'd have a really hard time asking for THAT, but I'll take some help.

Getting to Walmart an hour later than planned made the trip much harder, but we survived and the kids are really well behaved. They wandered away from me much more than I like, but it really was okay.

Evan now insists that his string cheese stay wrapped in the plastic. This makes it really tough when there's only a tiny piece left! H started crying in line. Poor little guy! I'm trying to get groceries in the cart and re-wrap his cheese stub at the same time. Finally got him another piece and then Mikey sang Itsy Bitsy Spider to him.

Caroline was making up a new song and playing her guitar when I started writing this. Something about "now she's not a toddler any more, she's a kid". Don't know if it was autobiographical.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Travel Whine, Part 1 of Many

It's not that I expected traveling with kids to be easy. Esp. not from a small place like this.

What's got me beating my head against the keyboard is 1)that the 2 ways to get a direct flight from Houston are to take a 6am flight from here or pay $200 more per person; 2) because they don't exactly fly DC10s into here, both flights have 3 seats across, two on one side and one on the other. So I guess Mikey and Caroline sit together in front of Evan and I?

So far my best idea is for Mikey, Evan and I to drive while my mom and Caroline fly to Norfolk. Or they fly to Atlanta, that might be better. Hmmm, Mikey and Mom drive to Atlanta while...

I didn't see any direct flights from San Antonio either. So we could drive there and change planes in Houston or Atlanta.

I just wish there were a better option than getting the kids up at 4am and then not being able to sit next to them.

Double Jackpot

Well, one of the nice people checking in on us left us a bunch of chocolate and is coming by tomorrow to hang out with the kids while I clean.

Evan had a bad night...AGAIN. This time I think the snot in his nose was giving him a sore throat. It was humid/raining. So I'm really wondering if getting a humidifier would be a good idea. Stuffed up nose or sore throat??

Gymnastics this morning for C, but Mikey had no class yesterday. I don't know how Caroline did because the new teacher is much quieter and I was playing with the boys and having a nice chat with someone who came here from McGuire. She had 2 babies at HUP, knew Haddonfield, etc. and misses it all a bunch. Sigh. Me too.

Dropped off some long spoon/straw things for a smoothie basket that's to be autioned off this weekend with another MSG wife. She has a teenager who might just be able to babysit on Wednesdays; she has a class about a mile from here, so I could pick her up there and drop her off on the way to gymnastics. Here's hoping she has the time to do it.

Travel planning sucks. Well, not in theory, but this trip is going to be hard. Details later after I check on one more thing...

Keep forgetting to mention a funny sight on base when it snowed: the new headquarters building has a sloped roof--at a fairly steep angle. So the fire department was out hosing the ice off the roof before it landed on anyone! We drove in circles a couple times to watch the firefighters in the cherry picker.