Thursday, February 01, 2007

Double Jackpot

Well, one of the nice people checking in on us left us a bunch of chocolate and is coming by tomorrow to hang out with the kids while I clean.

Evan had a bad night...AGAIN. This time I think the snot in his nose was giving him a sore throat. It was humid/raining. So I'm really wondering if getting a humidifier would be a good idea. Stuffed up nose or sore throat??

Gymnastics this morning for C, but Mikey had no class yesterday. I don't know how Caroline did because the new teacher is much quieter and I was playing with the boys and having a nice chat with someone who came here from McGuire. She had 2 babies at HUP, knew Haddonfield, etc. and misses it all a bunch. Sigh. Me too.

Dropped off some long spoon/straw things for a smoothie basket that's to be autioned off this weekend with another MSG wife. She has a teenager who might just be able to babysit on Wednesdays; she has a class about a mile from here, so I could pick her up there and drop her off on the way to gymnastics. Here's hoping she has the time to do it.

Travel planning sucks. Well, not in theory, but this trip is going to be hard. Details later after I check on one more thing...

Keep forgetting to mention a funny sight on base when it snowed: the new headquarters building has a sloped roof--at a fairly steep angle. So the fire department was out hosing the ice off the roof before it landed on anyone! We drove in circles a couple times to watch the firefighters in the cherry picker.

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