Sunday, January 28, 2007

Unconvinced Fruit-head

I tried to convince Mikey that he needs to be looking straight at me when he throws a ball, otherwise it could go anywhere.

He was not convinced, probably because his aim is dead on even while watching TV and barely glancing at me.

He likes to throw the ball like a pitcher. He looks ready to go pro any minute now.

Tonight in the bath, Mikey had a mix of honeydew, strawberry and watermelon shampoo, followed by grape conditioner. Thus, Fruit-head.

Evan's recognition of numbers was not a fluke. Playing with letters today, he said "H", remembering it from a few days ago. In my Sudoku book, he'll find and point to a 3 and then another 3, etc.

Caroline has been very snuggly today and keeping me company in the kitchen. She started doing backflips off the couch, too! Sits on the couch, looking at the back of it. Leans backwards and puts her hands and head on the floor, flip and repeat. Mikey was amazed! He wasn't sure he could do it, but I talked him through it. Meanwhile Evan exhausted me by demanding that I hold his arms while he jumped...about 200 times.

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