Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Mikey was reading a Ricky Ricotta book to Caroline last night. I'd started to read it, but Evan needed me, so Mikey took over. Soooo cool to watch.

Caroline saw me with my BIG new Sukoku book and wanted to help. She asked about how to make different numbers and letters. She even tried a few herself.

Today Mikey started up Insaniquarium and, as usual, called Evan to join him: "Evan, fishies!" But Evan didn't want to watch, prompting Mikey to say "Hmm, Evan turned his back on playing with the fish." Which led Caroline to ask what "turn your back" means.

She's been asking more about different sayings. I can definitely see some changes in her at four. I remember Mikey started to do some things on his own, like opening the gate and heading upstairs or downstairs. Caroline just started turning on the hall light and her bedroom light, instead of asking me to do it. She's taking off and putting her own clothes on again. She is a very capable person; I remember that from when she was a toddler. It's nice to see it coming out again.

She loves the swing in her room (was going to link to Ikea to show it, but they don't seem to carry it any more. Hmm, I wonder if they still have the mounts for the other one...Anywho, at first she wouldn't get in it without my help or swing if I weren't in the room, but she's starting to get more independent. Normally I wouldn't mind staying with her, but Evan follows and wants his turn NOW.

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