Friday, January 26, 2007


Since Papa's not here to mess with me, I am finding ways to do it myself.

A bit of stuff belonging in the junk drawer made it in to a drawer full of kitchen utensils. One of the items was a magnet (formerly of Cranky the Crane). Stuck to the magnet were a paper clip, a safety pin and 3 screws of various sizes. All this stuck itself to the bottom of a cheese grater.

Unsuspecting moi picks up the grater, grates some cheese, lifts the grater and finds a bowl full of cheese, screws, a paperclip, a safety pin and a magnet.

Moral: don't forget to flip your grater.

One night, I suddenly notice that one of Caroline's curtains is on backwards (or would you call it inside out?). I haven't taken the curtains down in a long time and I can't imagine Papa has either so how long has it been like this and why in the world haven't I noticed? Or is there some other explanation??

Next day, I figured it out. The curtains are sheer with colored lines on them. In the day time, you can barely tell the difference between the two sides. Guess I hadn't looked at them closely at night!

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