Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It's different without one member of the family present. Of course we miss him terribly. We are going forward and I'm a bit amused at the little changes I've made.

The kids have more room to work at the craft table now that no one is trying to EAT there.

Since the buck stops with me, I finally got around to moving the top shelf of the fridge down so that there's more room for milk.

I'm actually eating better. I'm not sure how or why, but I'm eating lots more fruits and veggies. Maybe it's just the horrifying numbers I'm seeing on the scale, but it's a good thing.

I'm continuing to try to lighten our load. I've sorted out clothes and baby toys to give away. Some are hard to get rid of, but I'd better do it now before Papa ask how I could get rid of jack-in-a-box Elmo and other old friends. I've cleared off the little bookcase in Caroline's room and the white shelves (aka Fredette) in the boys room.

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