Sunday, January 28, 2007

Unconvinced Fruit-head

I tried to convince Mikey that he needs to be looking straight at me when he throws a ball, otherwise it could go anywhere.

He was not convinced, probably because his aim is dead on even while watching TV and barely glancing at me.

He likes to throw the ball like a pitcher. He looks ready to go pro any minute now.

Tonight in the bath, Mikey had a mix of honeydew, strawberry and watermelon shampoo, followed by grape conditioner. Thus, Fruit-head.

Evan's recognition of numbers was not a fluke. Playing with letters today, he said "H", remembering it from a few days ago. In my Sudoku book, he'll find and point to a 3 and then another 3, etc.

Caroline has been very snuggly today and keeping me company in the kitchen. She started doing backflips off the couch, too! Sits on the couch, looking at the back of it. Leans backwards and puts her hands and head on the floor, flip and repeat. Mikey was amazed! He wasn't sure he could do it, but I talked him through it. Meanwhile Evan exhausted me by demanding that I hold his arms while he jumped...about 200 times.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Music and Timeline

Last night Caroline, Mikey and I played "Name that Tune". We took turns humming or whistling songs.

Caroline is really, really good at it. She was better at guessing than Mikey or me. Mikey and I sometimes had a hard time guessing hers...when she decided to make up a new song!

Her first musical selection? "Tell him good-bye" (Na, na, na, na...hey hey...)

Today Mikey and I made a timeline of his life and wrote The Story of Mikey. I'll try to scan and post it later.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Gymnastics Update

Mikey had 2 classes this week, Caroline the normal one. Both kids are doing great and are easily doing things they didn't even want to try at first. They are both going backwards over one of these now.

While one of them is in class, the other 3 of us have a good time throwing balls, running around, etc. Evan loved it when I made a basket, and insisted that I do it a bunch more time and took a few shots himself.

Their great teacher is on her way to Iraq now--civilian job there. The new teacher is alright. There were two other assistants who I don't think would have been good, but this one knows the subject and is okay with the kids. She's going to have to try a little harder to keep order, but I think that will come with time.


Since Papa's not here to mess with me, I am finding ways to do it myself.

A bit of stuff belonging in the junk drawer made it in to a drawer full of kitchen utensils. One of the items was a magnet (formerly of Cranky the Crane). Stuck to the magnet were a paper clip, a safety pin and 3 screws of various sizes. All this stuck itself to the bottom of a cheese grater.

Unsuspecting moi picks up the grater, grates some cheese, lifts the grater and finds a bowl full of cheese, screws, a paperclip, a safety pin and a magnet.

Moral: don't forget to flip your grater.

One night, I suddenly notice that one of Caroline's curtains is on backwards (or would you call it inside out?). I haven't taken the curtains down in a long time and I can't imagine Papa has either so how long has it been like this and why in the world haven't I noticed? Or is there some other explanation??

Next day, I figured it out. The curtains are sheer with colored lines on them. In the day time, you can barely tell the difference between the two sides. Guess I hadn't looked at them closely at night!

Nice Day

Well, it's almost nice weather here. Tomorow is supposed to be 67. Today it hasn't hit 60, but the kids are still outside. (Evan is napping)

I'm still flinching from an ad I read this morning for a breakfast special: free coffee and menudo!!


Mikey and I read the first chapter in his "History of the World" book. Basic explanation of history and archeology. Pretty well written so far. I printed out a family tree--well, tried to but it doesn't resemble a tree like I told him it would. I may cut the boxes out so we can make them into a tree.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


In Caroline's room, we have a poster with the numbers 1-20, which the appropriate number of items with each number. It's a little weird: 5 briefcases, of all things, pentagons and hexagons, but not 5 and six of them. Evan likes to look at it and asks me what the various items are. Then he started asking what the numbers are and now he's telling me what they are. This morning, he looked at my Sudoku book and, amid a whole page of numbers, found an 8 and said "eight"! Cool.

1/26 update: He continues to ask me the names of everything. That's expected, but I keep laughing at being jumped on when he sees my Sudoku book so that he can point to every number on the page and hear the name. He also held up a toy "H" and repeated the name several time.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It's different without one member of the family present. Of course we miss him terribly. We are going forward and I'm a bit amused at the little changes I've made.

The kids have more room to work at the craft table now that no one is trying to EAT there.

Since the buck stops with me, I finally got around to moving the top shelf of the fridge down so that there's more room for milk.

I'm actually eating better. I'm not sure how or why, but I'm eating lots more fruits and veggies. Maybe it's just the horrifying numbers I'm seeing on the scale, but it's a good thing.

I'm continuing to try to lighten our load. I've sorted out clothes and baby toys to give away. Some are hard to get rid of, but I'd better do it now before Papa ask how I could get rid of jack-in-a-box Elmo and other old friends. I've cleared off the little bookcase in Caroline's room and the white shelves (aka Fredette) in the boys room.

Best Bath Ever

We had a great 3-kid bath tonight! Almost no fussing. (There was just that once when I got splashed...) Lots of fun. We managed to spell lots of words with the foam letters: Dora, Boots, Mikey, Carolime (close!). They all wanted out of the tub at the same time, so I had some assembly line drying going on in the bathroom. Evan and Mikey had a great towel throwing game going on. Then it was run naked from Mommy time until I got Power Ranger pjs on all 3 and played the PR theme song. Good times, good times.

The mildew smell continues to blow from the vents. I cleaned and mopped much of the house today to make sure there wasn't anything spilled anywhere that could account for it. Did a little searching online and found that it's a problem people have run into before! I'm going to keep cleaning and sniffing, see if the problem goes away if it ever stops being so wet here (more rain through Sunday!), and talk to a couple people more knowledgable than me.

Having the ducts cleaned probably would be a good idea no matter what.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Look who's talking

Evan is talking more and more. He said "here I come" this morning. Yesterday I asked "who wants chocolate milk" and he said "me, me, me!"

Oh, he also asks to watch "Wow, Wow Wubbzy" by saying "wow, wow, wow."

He says "cool" a lot.


I had iTunes going through our list of all songs and it just so happened that Mikey was playing "Feeding Frenzy" and avoiding being eaten by barracudas when the song "Barracuda" came on. He played it several times, lol.

This morning we were looking at photos of different fish. Now Mikey is reading a Dora book to Evan.

Caroline says she wants to play a computer game with me now. One that's hard for her, but easy for me. Here we go...

June To-do List

Organize Christmas decorations et al. in garage.

It almost looks like a tired and grumpy woman just threw the stuff into a big pile.

Go figure.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Yea, it's the weekend and...well, I don't get weekends any more. The next two days aren't going to be any different from the last several. Interesting.

This morning and early afternoon were pretty rough. Evan had several 10 minute tantrums last night. Mikey and Carrie have both woken up in the night for the last couple nights. This time I was in the double bed with Evan, then put Mikey in the twin, then put Carrie in the twin--at the other end! Then I kept hearing thuds every little while...she was rolling over and bumping the wall, just like she used to do in Maryland.

I'm not running on adrenaline any more. Kind of relaxed last night. I'm still getting stuff done, but in a more relaxed manner.

The kids are playing together very nicely tonight. We'll see if we've turned a corner or not.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Great gymnastics classes this week!

Mikey and the other boys worked yesterday on strength training. Lots on the parallel bars. During class, Caroline played with another little girl. Evan insisted that he was tall enough to drink from the water fountain without me lifting him (there's a stool) and he was right. When the kids took a water break, he successfully wrestled one boy away from the fountain before I could stop him. The kid, who is like 7 or 8 was rather suprised...

There is suddenly a Dollar General store on Rt. 90, almost directly across from Border BBQ (formerly Martha's). It's not open yet; looks empty inside.

Evan is suddenly talkative in the car. Yesterday when Caroline and the other girl were hiding, I asked him where are the girls and he went running toward them yelling "Girls!!+ and then later "Girl, girl!" Today when Miss Christy said "Ready, set..." he yelled "Go!!"

Caroline was AWESOME today. She learned how to do a cartwheel (not with straight legs, of course), she walked on the balance beam BY HERSELF and she did a back flip over the big round cushion. She did not want to do that at first, but the teachers worked with her slowly and gently. Christy was amazed at the big change from last week, when she didn't want to get on the balance beam at all.

Caroline woke up in the early morning because of a nightmare. I snuggled up with her in the little bed in the boys room. Then Dora-Knows-Your-Name woke Mikey up at 7am (need to change the wake-up time!!), so he came in and I put him with Evan in the big bed. Cozy. I took my shower in the master bath so I wouldn't wake them all up!

Mikey has been talking a lot about missing Papa. Evan wants to watch the videos again and again. I got our video camera set up last night, but still need to work on getting them posted.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Mikey was reading a Ricky Ricotta book to Caroline last night. I'd started to read it, but Evan needed me, so Mikey took over. Soooo cool to watch.

Caroline saw me with my BIG new Sukoku book and wanted to help. She asked about how to make different numbers and letters. She even tried a few herself.

Today Mikey started up Insaniquarium and, as usual, called Evan to join him: "Evan, fishies!" But Evan didn't want to watch, prompting Mikey to say "Hmm, Evan turned his back on playing with the fish." Which led Caroline to ask what "turn your back" means.

She's been asking more about different sayings. I can definitely see some changes in her at four. I remember Mikey started to do some things on his own, like opening the gate and heading upstairs or downstairs. Caroline just started turning on the hall light and her bedroom light, instead of asking me to do it. She's taking off and putting her own clothes on again. She is a very capable person; I remember that from when she was a toddler. It's nice to see it coming out again.

She loves the swing in her room (was going to link to Ikea to show it, but they don't seem to carry it any more. Hmm, I wonder if they still have the mounts for the other one...Anywho, at first she wouldn't get in it without my help or swing if I weren't in the room, but she's starting to get more independent. Normally I wouldn't mind staying with her, but Evan follows and wants his turn NOW.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Numbers and Sand

Mikey was counting by 3's today. He also asked me what 10 plus 10 is. These things led me to put on Schoolhouse Rock (audio CD) and print out a multiplication table. I showed him how you can count by any number by reading across or down. I wanted to pick an example, such as 7x10, but he wanted to read through the 3's and then move on to the 4's, 5's, etc.

There's a name for that kind of thinking. Meth-od-i-cal? Something like that. Nothing I'm familiar with, certainly.

We are enjoying the videos messages from Papa. Tales of missing penguins and exploding peppers. Very glad he's had good weather for the drive.

The Moon Sand was fun and messy in a contained way. It does hold together, but it takes a little work. When Evan is sleeping, I'll find some other containers to use as molds.

I got a little of the benefits of being a single parent tonight: I got double the love and affection from the kids. Hadn't thought about that! I needed it. It takes the place of at least 2 hours of missed sleep. I ordered a couple light fiction books from Amazon yesterday and got a new Sudoku book with really BIG print and nice paper that doesn't fall apart after being erased.

I'd hoped to have the house out of the "chaotic" state and into "messy", but it hasn't happened yet. I've kept up with the kitchen and garbage and feeding/clothing/bathing us all. For the rest, I'm playing "Wack-a-mess"; as soon as I get the living room clean, the front room has popped up and exploded toys over every surface.

Mikey is pretending to be Calvin. Evan is Hobbes.

It fits.


Caroline says that after she is an astronaut and a vet, then she'll become a garbage woman.

Mikey wants to be an engineer, a space man, and a baseball player. We threw a ball back and forth and worked out signals for different kinds of pitches. He likes to pitch, but decided today to be the catcher so that he could choose the pitches.

Everyone's in a bad mood tonight. Evan still isn't sleeping well, so I'm very tired. It's hard to handle all the grumpiness while tired (duh). Evan a little Wal-mart therapy didn't help...but at least we're stocked up on milk and bananas. And they finally had Moonsand again.

Evan answered "kay" when I asked him if he was okay this morning (after a table attacked him). We bought a heart made of roses [fake] and it is now in the front window in place of the star wreath. I'm waiting for it to inspire me to get the Christmas tree down...waiting...

Monday, January 08, 2007


We made muffins--from a Jiffy mix, not scratch, because I'm not that crazy.

Mikey and Caroline helped me put the mix into star-shaped tins. Evan supervised.

Later, Evan dragged a chair back into the kitchen. And by "Evan dragged" I mean, Evan moved it part of the way and then "suggested" that I move it the rest of the way. He happily sat in the chair eating a muffin on the counter while I did dishes.

Caroline, Evan and I liked the muffins. Mikey tried one but didn't like it much.

Mikey says: Hi! I played some games today with my mom. And we finally got past level 4 in Zack and Cody's Tipton Trouble.

Caroline says: I loved the playground, but not the boy. He was mean. I love Mommy, Mikey and Evan. They were at the playground with me. They were playing. My Mama was eating while we played. [everyone snacked!--ed.] I love my mom and dad and my brother and my brother. And all my family members.

And so it begins...

Papa drove off into the sunrise yesterday after kissing the kids good-bye as they slept. Tough to see him go.

Evan is mostly recovered from being sick. I thought I was completely well, until almost 10pm when Evan went to sleep (no nap!) and I had a lot of housework to do. Then my legs got wobbly. Still did a bunch of work, got the kids to sleep just in time for Evan to cry for 30 minutes. Got him back to sleep by midnight.

They are wobbly again after going on base (found a library book under the bed--so cliche, no?) and spending an hour or more at the playground. We went back to the one we used to visit while staying in TLF. E was thrilled at all the planes going around. Had a nice chat with another mom at the playground. Mikey was determined to have races and other competitions with Caroline. Wasn't working out too well, so I suggested he race with an imaginary friend. They both seemed happier after that; at least until he and his friend started racing with her and her friend. Ahhh.

The kids' emotions are pretty raw. In other words, any little thing has them yelling and lashing out. I've been as patient as possible, but they seem to be looking for me to contain them. Reassurance that some things are the same, even though lots has changed. Today is better than yesterday and I imagine we'll get settled down soon. I'm glad gymnastics isn't for 2 more days, though.

I did a thousand things around the house yesterday and so two rooms are no longer official disaster areas. I'd wanted to take the tree down today, but my legs are telling me to pace myself.

Caroline got really mad at me today and yelled that she hated me. Then turned around and asked what "I hate you" means. I almost laughed in surprise, but managed a serious answer.