Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Best Bath Ever

We had a great 3-kid bath tonight! Almost no fussing. (There was just that once when I got splashed...) Lots of fun. We managed to spell lots of words with the foam letters: Dora, Boots, Mikey, Carolime (close!). They all wanted out of the tub at the same time, so I had some assembly line drying going on in the bathroom. Evan and Mikey had a great towel throwing game going on. Then it was run naked from Mommy time until I got Power Ranger pjs on all 3 and played the PR theme song. Good times, good times.

The mildew smell continues to blow from the vents. I cleaned and mopped much of the house today to make sure there wasn't anything spilled anywhere that could account for it. Did a little searching online and found that it's a problem people have run into before! I'm going to keep cleaning and sniffing, see if the problem goes away if it ever stops being so wet here (more rain through Sunday!), and talk to a couple people more knowledgable than me.

Having the ducts cleaned probably would be a good idea no matter what.

1 comment:

PapaMAS said...

I wonder if there is any mildew in the attic? Also, we know there is mildew in our bathroom. Have you called Mr Z?