Thursday, January 11, 2007


Great gymnastics classes this week!

Mikey and the other boys worked yesterday on strength training. Lots on the parallel bars. During class, Caroline played with another little girl. Evan insisted that he was tall enough to drink from the water fountain without me lifting him (there's a stool) and he was right. When the kids took a water break, he successfully wrestled one boy away from the fountain before I could stop him. The kid, who is like 7 or 8 was rather suprised...

There is suddenly a Dollar General store on Rt. 90, almost directly across from Border BBQ (formerly Martha's). It's not open yet; looks empty inside.

Evan is suddenly talkative in the car. Yesterday when Caroline and the other girl were hiding, I asked him where are the girls and he went running toward them yelling "Girls!!+ and then later "Girl, girl!" Today when Miss Christy said "Ready, set..." he yelled "Go!!"

Caroline was AWESOME today. She learned how to do a cartwheel (not with straight legs, of course), she walked on the balance beam BY HERSELF and she did a back flip over the big round cushion. She did not want to do that at first, but the teachers worked with her slowly and gently. Christy was amazed at the big change from last week, when she didn't want to get on the balance beam at all.

Caroline woke up in the early morning because of a nightmare. I snuggled up with her in the little bed in the boys room. Then Dora-Knows-Your-Name woke Mikey up at 7am (need to change the wake-up time!!), so he came in and I put him with Evan in the big bed. Cozy. I took my shower in the master bath so I wouldn't wake them all up!

Mikey has been talking a lot about missing Papa. Evan wants to watch the videos again and again. I got our video camera set up last night, but still need to work on getting them posted.


Anonymous said...

Who sponsors the gymnastics class? Who teaches it and what are their qualifications?

AJ said...

It's part of the Youth Center on base. The teacher definitely knows gymnastics herself and seems to be great with the kids.