Friday, January 26, 2007

Nice Day

Well, it's almost nice weather here. Tomorow is supposed to be 67. Today it hasn't hit 60, but the kids are still outside. (Evan is napping)

I'm still flinching from an ad I read this morning for a breakfast special: free coffee and menudo!!


Mikey and I read the first chapter in his "History of the World" book. Basic explanation of history and archeology. Pretty well written so far. I printed out a family tree--well, tried to but it doesn't resemble a tree like I told him it would. I may cut the boxes out so we can make them into a tree.


PapaMAS said...

Nice day here, too. Cold outside - right now it is 37F. Good week at work, first real work. Apparently I am hitting home runs here, just like at Laughlin. I still have not gotten used to seemingly everyone raving about me and what I do, and it's happening again here. Don't know if I ever will. I like it, though.

AJ said...

Great! So...does this mean that when we come out there, you'll be arriving home at 4:45 every day...with a smile??